Green values are a key part of the green work behaviour puzzle

Introduction Dr. Laura Graves and Dr. Joseph Sarkis study wanted to explore how leadership can affect individual motivation and lead to pro-environmental behaviours (PEB) at work. They also added the crucial factor of the individuals personal green values into the research. Leadership at work is known to affect employees throughout many contexts. Internal motivation is …

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Importance of the leaders vision in increasing green performance

Introduction An important type of leadership known as ‘Transformation Leadership’ facilitates the introduction of new ideas in organisations by providing vision, motivation, and intellectual simulation (see book by Bass, 1990 for more detail). Green transformational leadership then is along this same concept, but focused on environmental ideas, vision and motivation. Green performance is the innovation of …

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Nature helps humans recover faster from surgery

Introduction Roger Ulrich is a professor wanted to know how nature affects humans psychologically and physiologically. His seminal research wanted to test whether we recover better when around nature. He found that we recover faster from surgery by being around nature, even something as simple as seeing a tree from your hospital window can significantly …

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Organisational culture (Hofstede’s model)

Geert Hofstede’s is a cultural theorist who created a six dimensional model of culture that influence how an individual behaves. He started his work in the research department of IBM Europe where he used surveys to capture the wide ranging values of employees of the employees in the company as IBM had offices around the globe …

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Organisational culture (Schein’s model)

Organisational culture has many theoretical conceptualisations, different theorists and academics have thought about this idea in different ways. Edgar Schein’s theory of organisational culture is a prominent theory in management studies, he argues that organisational culture develops overtime as the organisation changes and adapts to external and internal pressures. His conceptualisation is vey holistic with …

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Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership was popularised by Bass and Avelino in their book “Transformational Leadership“. Bass’s research on this leadership theory goes back to the early 1980’s and has grown substantially since then, especially with the adoption of business coaching and other new leadership methodologies intended on improving performance at work. Bass and Avelino distinguish between transactional …

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