Green human resource management, green culture and green behaviours

Introduction Can organisations influence the amount of green behaviours of employees by setting green goals for them? Through integrating into appraisal system the amount employee pushes for green ideas and behaves environmentally sustainably, can organisations influence the way their workforce acts? The study This study by Dumont et al. (2017) looked at the effect of …

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Unlocking green creativity with a belief in our ability

Introduction As we need to come up with new and innovative ways to tackling the emissions of our organisations, we need to encourage employee creativity. What makes people think in these new green innovative ways? What makes them come up with the new ideas that will change the future of our work and workplaces? The …

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Green organisational climates cause people to care about changing global climates

Introduction Do others affect us? We are social creatures so seeing the way other people behave in a certain context affects the way we behave ourselves. Can we influence the way people behave by giving the perception that others are changing… it may even work subconsciously! The study Norton et al. (2014) research looked at …

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Theory of Normative Conduct

The Theory of Normative Conduct has generally focused in the public sphere looking at pro-environmental behaviours in social contexts and attributes the behaviours of individuals to the perceived social norms in that context (Cialdini et al., 1990). It is understood “that an individual will determine appropriate behaviour for themselves in a situation [by examining] the …

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Social Exchange Theory

Social exchange theory is one of the most well-known theories in understanding behaviour of individuals in the workplace due to its foundations of exchange among parties involved. It has roots in anthropology, social psychology, and sociology. The core of this theory understands that relationships form when there are ‘rules of exchange’, many rules have been …

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Self Determination Theory

Self-determination theory is a motivational theory that assume that three main innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness are the components that motivate individuals to act. Social contexts and individual differences that prevent these three needs are associated with poor motivation, performance and well-being. This theory goes into many aspects of human life and …

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